After playing 4 games in the Sledge Hockey Showdown I reinsured my shoulder and was able to get into surgery sooner than expected. I spent 8 weeks at UBC Hospital and couldn't wait to go to GF Strong for rehab. My time at UBC was so challenging. I felt fine. My shoulder felt okay but I wasn't allowed to do anything. The tear in my supraspinatus tendon was much more severe than initially thought and, although I was never told, it was supposed to be completely immobilized for 6 weeks. Needless to say, it's near impossible to do anything with one working limb so about a week-and-a-half to two weeks after the surgery I stopped wearing the sling and I had regained full range of motion in my shoulder. However, I still wasn't allowed to do anything. I felt alone, isolated and very impatient.
Having a lot of time to spare I did a lot of reading, praying and soul searching (as well as getting totally caught up in all 3 seasons of Downton Abby). What I learned was that I needed to slow down, trust God and just be in the moment. I find it so difficult to be in the moment. I'm either in the past or worrying about the future.
So, in my time of 'being in the moment' I explored the UBC campus with my camera and iPhone. This is what I experienced...
Some of the visitors...
The fun we can have in a power chair!
And we can't forget the food!
A much needed treat!
Yup, time for rehab!